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Help! Something's Not Working
Help! Something's Not Working

Stuck on the loading screen or encountering other issues when trying to use one of our tools? Learn how to troubleshoot it here!

Updated over 2 months ago

Why isn't a tool loading properly?

As you're working on job applications, resumes, and cover letters within Teal, you may encounter a page that feels like it is taking forever to load. While this may seem like a bug or a website issue at first glance, the endless spinner issue is often related to your browser or device.

Fortunately, this means you can usually resolve these issues on your own device without needing external engineering assistance. Read on to learn how to troubleshoot common loading issues encountered on the Teal platform!

Archive or Delete Data

When you have a lot of bookmarked roles or resume drafts, you may see your trackers or Resume Builder taking a bit longer to load. This is normal and, generally, the tools should completely load within a couple seconds.

Once the tools have loaded, consider archiving inactive jobs/contacts or deleting old resumes to reduce load times for future visits.

Technical Troubleshooting Steps

If you have been stuck on the issue for several minutes, you can begin the troubleshooting process.

Switch to a Different Device

While Teal does offer some mobile functionality, the platform is best used on desktop and laptop browsers for now.

If you are attempting to load your tracker or Resume Builder from a mobile or tablet device, try accessing them from a desktop or laptop device.

Use an Alternate Browser

If you're already accessing Teal from a desktop or laptop device, try using the tools from a different browser than the one you were using when you first encountered the lissue. Recommended browsers include:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Firefox

  • Safari (if you're on a Mac device)

If your tracker or Resume Builder works in an alternate browser, it is likely that the loading issue was browser-specific.

From here, you can continue troubleshooting if you prefer to use the original browser, or you can switch to the browser in which the tool properly loaded.

Disable Your Browser's Extensions

Check if you have any browser extensions installed that could be preventing the website from working properly. This could include any VPNs, firewall/antivirus softwares, Ad Blockers, etc.

If you have several other extensions installed, try disabling the extensions one-by-one and accessing the tools to see if any of them were blocking the download of page data for our website.

Use Incognito Mode

If it seems like the issues are browser-specific, you can then open an Incognito version of your preferred browser and try to open the tool within that new window. To open an Incognito browser:

  1. Open a regular window in your preferred browser.

  2. Open an Incognito window with the following keyboard shortcut:

    1. Windows/Linux/Chrome OS: Ctrl + Shift + N

    2. Mac: Cmd (⌘) + Shift + N

If your tracker or Resume Builder works in Incognito mode, then your loading issues may be cache-related. Click into the next section to troubleshoot your browser's caching issues!

Clear Your Browser's Cache & Cookies

Sometimes, outdated or corrupt cache and cookies can cause your browser pages to work improperly or prevent a server connection and loading entirely. In this case, you'll need to clear your browser's cache and cookies history.

You can find the option to clear your cache and cookies in your browser's settings. You may need to open your security/privacy settings from the main settings menu if you do not immediately see options related to browsing data.

Update Your Browser's Version

Similar to how outdated cache/cookies can cause your browser to load pages improperly, working from an outdated browser can cause issues as well.

If your browser is operating on an older version, try updating your browser to the latest version and accessing the tools after.

Change Your Network Connection

If you are working from a public (e.g., coffee shop) or a company network, there may be network privacy settings that are preventing a proper connection to the Teal server.

In this case, try switching the network that your device is connected to. This could look like accessing Teal from your personal/home network instead of a public or work network.

Still Seeing the Error?

If you've attempted all of the troubleshooting steps above and are still encountering loading issues, reach out to our Support team at [email protected]!

Be sure to include the following in your message:

  • Details of the Issue, including any relevant screenshots

  • Browser, Browser Version, and Device you're working from

  • Troubleshooting Steps you've attempted

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