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Design Mode: Settings & Advanced Tabs
Design Mode: Settings & Advanced Tabs

The Settings & Advanced tabs allow you to adjust how content is displayed and formatted within your resume.

Updated this week

Navigate to Design Mode

First, open up a resume in the Resume Builder and navigate to Design Mode - indicated by a pencil icon on the top tab area of the page.

Settings Tab

The "Settings" tab offers settings to personalize the display of your work experience and education within your resume.

Work Experience Settings

The "Work Experience Settings" section allows you to customize how your locations, positions, and role tenures are displayed.


Choose to show locations by company, by position, or hide them altogether.

Work Experience

Choose to show work experience by company or by position. This will place an emphasis on either the company or the position title.


You can choose whether you'd like to show the overall tenure you spent at a company, or the period of time spent in each individual position. You can also select to show both!

Education Settings

In the "Education Settings" section, you can choose to show your educational experiences by placing an emphasis on the institution or on the degree.

You can adjust the layout of your educational experiences here as well.

Video Tutorial

Advanced Tab

The "Advanced" tab allows you to further customize the style of your resume by adjusting bullet and separator symbols, spacing, and borders.

NOTE: Settings found within the Advanced tab are only available to Teal+ users.

Looking to upgrade? Check out our subscription options HERE.

Advanced Styles

In the "Advanced Styles" section, you can select which symbols you'd like to use for your list items (bullets) and heading separators.

Symbol Adjustment Options

Example Selection

Text Sizes

The "Text Sizes" section allows you to adjust the sizing of different types of text within your resume.

  • Body Copy: Content in your resume that is considered the "body." This includes your bullet points, contact information, the paragraph in your professional summary, etc.

  • Primary Heading: The main heading within a resume section. This includes your target title and, depending on your display settings, could be either your company or position title and either your degree or educational institution.

  • Secondary Heading: The heading directly below your primary heading. Your display settings will affect what is considered a secondary heading. For example:

    • If you have your experiences displayed with your company name above your position title, your position title would be the secondary heading.

    • If your role title is above your organization, then your organization would be the secondary heading.

  • Section Titles

  • Full Name

  • Minor Copy: The finer details within your resume. This includes the locations and dates associated with your experiences.

Text Weights

The "Text Weights" section allows you to control how bold or light certain types of text appear in your resume: (1) Body Copy, (2) Primary Heading, (3) Secondary Heading, (4) Section Titles, (5) Full Name, and (6) Minor Copy. The text category definitions are similar to that of the "Text Sizes" section.

When you click into each of the text types, you'll see a dropdown menu of different text weights you can select from.

NOTE: Within some of our resume templates, some of the text types are inaccurately mapped. If you are trying to apply a setting to a certain text category and are not seeing any changes take effect, feel free to report the bug to us!

Text Transformations

The "Text Transformations" section covers the capitalization of text within your resume. You can adjust these settings for the following text types: (1) Primary Heading, (2) Secondary Heading, (3) Section Titles, (4) Full Name, and (5) Minor Copy. The text category definitions are similar to that of the "Text Sizes" section.

For each text type, you'll see three transformation options:

  • As Written: Text is displayed exactly how you have it written in your Resume Builder.

  • All Caps: All alphabetical characters are capitalized, regardless of how the content is written in your Resume Builder.

  • Title Case: The first letter of each word is capitalized, regardless of how the content is written in your Resume Builder.

Vertical Spacing

In the "Vertical Spacing" section, you can customize the spacing between sections, section titles & content, primary & secondary headings, content blocks, and list items.

To make the adjustments, you can either type in your own spacing values or move the lever left to right. If your spacing value input is outside of the allowed range, it will be overwritten with the minimum/maximum value available.


Within the "Borders" section, you can adjust borders above and below your page header and the border underneath section titles.

Border Adjustment Options

Example of Above/Below Header Adjustment

Example of Section Title Border Adjustment

Video Tutorial

Where should I go from here?

Once you're finished designing your resume, learn how to export it here: Export Your Resume & Cover Letter.

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Check out our YouTube!

Have feedback or further questions? Something missing here that we can do a better job covering?

Please reach out to [email protected]!

settings, design, design mode, design tabs, advanced tab, advanced setting, change setting, change font, font setting, dates, date, date setting, work setting, bullet setting, education, location

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