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Job Search Classes
Updated over 8 months ago

Check out our Job Search video classes to help teach you how to run an effective job search!

Discover and Understand My Work Style

Without having a deep understanding of who you are and how others perceive you, you're not going to be able to really figure out what you want to do and where you want to go, which is going to impede your ability to figure out what's next and to go out and get that faster.

Find Job Opportunities

Job searching can be a grueling process, but do you know how to actually locate job opportunities that are right for you? We don’t mean just browsing different job boards and networking. There are tools, tips, and techniques that you can use to find those opportunities that excite you.

Apply for Jobs

Applying for jobs might sound simple, but it’s actually a process, and there are things you want to be mindful of so you get better results. Applying is not just the act of applying. It is the process by which you go through to secure an interview. The first task is to get in the door.

Understand Compensation & Negotiation

We want to make sure that you understand compensation and know how to negotiate for what ultimately matters to you. Compensation is a very broad topic, and it's not just about your cash compensation, so we want to make you aware of all the dimensions of the things you can ask, and how you go about getting them.

Manage My Professional Brand

Your professional brand is how you put your identity out in the world, and leveraging that brand can help you grow your career on your terms. You can approach managing your personal brand in different ways. We will cover a little bit of Teal’s approach and how we think about it using the following steps.

Tailor My Resume

The phrase "one and done" can apply to many situations, but writing your resume shouldn't be one of them. A "generic resume" or "one perfect resume" just won't cut it anymore. Learn how to tailor your resume in a way that corresponds to the job description of the role you're trying to land.

Interview with Confidence

Interviewing is probably the most important part of the whole job search process. Your resume's job is to get you in the door, but once you're there, you really need to prove yourself through the interview process. Not only do you need to do it once, you’re probably going to need to do it multiple times with multiple people.

Navigate the First 90 Days

The first 90 days in a new role is probably one of the most important times when you start a new position to make sure that you make the right impressions. Using Teal’s approach and how we think about it, the main intention is for you to learn strategies to support you in your new role during your first 90 days.

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job search, job search help

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