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Adding, Reordering, Selecting & Deleting Skills
Adding, Reordering, Selecting & Deleting Skills
Updated over 7 months ago

Highlighting your skills in your resume is essential to demonstrate your expertise. Below are tips on how to do it effectively or how to remove the ones you no longer need!

Select a Resume

To get started, first to head to the resume builder and select the resume you'd like to edit. Then you'd scroll down to the 'Skills' section.

Adding Skills

You will see the following when you click on 'Skills' for the first time:

After clicking the "Add Skills" button, you'll find a space to input the skills you want to include. You can enter them individually or use a comma for multiple entries.

After entering the desired skills, click "Save." The skills will then be visible in the skills section and will automatically be included in your resume.

Sorting Skills

Skills and categories are automatically sorted alphabetically (A-Z).

If you'd like to organize them manually in your own order, toggle the "Sort A-Z" off. Then, you can drag and drop them.

Deselect All/ Select All

To select or deselect all the skills, you'd want to click the check box between the Sort A-Z and trash icon.


Delete Inactive Skills

If there are skills that you no longer want to include in the system (note that all skills appear across all resumes, so if you delete them, they will be removed from all resumes), simply unselect them and then click the Trash Icon.

A pop-up will then confirm that you want to delete those skills. You can press 'Cancel' to go back or 'Delete Inactive Skills' to remove them

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