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Skills & Interests
Updated over a month ago

Add Skills

Our Skills section provides you the opportunity to list and organize your skills in your resume.

You can add skills by either typing them in individually:

Or entering them all at once, separated by commas:

Skills Categories

To further refine your list, you can place your skills into individually-selected categories. For example, looking to organize some skills into a "Data" category? It can be built from your Skills section!

Added skills can be dragged and dropped into categories as you build out your resume.

Need to edit or delete a skills category?

Select the pencil icon to edit the category title. You can choose whether you'd like to apply this change to all of your resumes.

If you'd like to delete a category, click on the folder icon and confirm the deletion.

NOTE: Deleting categories will apply to all resumes!

Add Interests

The Interests "section" serves as a separate category within the Skills section. Any additions made to this "section" will be added to the Skills list in your resume. HERE is a video that explains this functionality further.

To add, edit, or delete content within the Interests category, you can follow the same instructions for making changes to skills!

NOTE: The checkboxes associated with your skills/interests will determine if they're shown on the resume or not – simply uncheck any skill you don't wish you appear on the resume.

We recommend leveraging the checkboxes versus deleting the skill entirely.

Video Tutorial

Where should I go from here?

For additional guidance on editing your resume content:

For a more in-depth overview of skills and categories:

After you've familiarized yourself with the basics of adding and editing your resume content, we recommend checking out this article next: Making Changes Across Resumes.

Have feedback or further questions? Something missing here that we can do a better job covering?

Please reach out to [email protected]!

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