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Deleting All Resumes
Deleting All Resumes
Emily Woodward avatar
Written by Emily Woodward
Updated over a week ago

If you're looking to clear your Resume Builder of all existing resumes, the "Delete All Resumes" option is for you!

By using the "Delete All Resumes" function you will remove all currently-existing resumes from your account, prompted with the option to reimport new data.

Here's how to do it!

First, Head to Your Resume Builder

Select "Menu"

Here, you'll see "Delete All Resumes"

Note: this option only appears if you have more than one resume in your Resume Builder!

You will be prompted to confirm whether or not you'd like to delete all resume data from your account - it's important to note, this action cannot be undone.

Reimport Your Resume Data OR Build Your Resume Manually!

Once you've selected to delete all resumes, you will then be prompted to reimport your resume data or select to build manually -

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delete resumes, delete resume, deleting resumes, resume delete, delete all, start over

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