Deleting All Resumes From Your Resume Builder
In your Resume Builder, click the "Menu" button and select "Delete All Resumes" from the dropdown. You'll be prompted to confirm the deletion of all your resumes.
NOTE: Make sure that "Delete All Resumes" (i.e., clearing your resume data completely) is something you would like to do, as this action cannot be undone.
Import New Resume Data or Build Your Resume Manually
Once you have deleted all your resumes, you will then be given the option to import new resume data. You can find additional guidance on each import option HERE.
It's important to note that the "Delete All Resumes" action will not be completed until new resume data has been imported. If you click "Cancel" in the re-import menu, the deletion process will be canceled as well.
Video Tutorial
Where should I go from here?
We recommend checking out this article next: Import Existing Resume or LinkedIn Profile
Have feedback or further questions? Something missing here that we can do a better job covering?
Please reach out to [email protected]!
delete resumes, delete resume, deleting resumes, resume delete, delete all, start over