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Job Matching: Custom Keywords
Job Matching: Custom Keywords

See a keyword in the Job Summary that wasn't automatically listed in the Job Matching tool? You can now add your own custom keyword!

Updated over a month ago

The ability to add custom keywords from the Job Summary is a Teal+ feature.

Add Custom Keywords

If you see a keyword in the Job Summary that wasn’t originally surfaced, you can add your own custom keywords, either from the Keywords tab or the Job Description tab.

Keywords Tab

Navigate to the “Keywords” tab and find the “Custom Keywords” section. Here, you can create a keyword that you were looking for that wasn’t included in the original surfaced list.

You can then make adjustments to your resume to include that custom keyword, which will reflect in your Match Score and keyword status!

Job Description Tab

From the Job Description tab, you can access a side-by-side view of the Keywords list and the Job Summary generated from the attached role. To add a custom keyword from here, click "Create Keyword" under the "My Keywords" section, then enter and save the keyword.

Matched Custom Keywords

Similar to the "Matched Keywords" section, for custom keywords that are already matched, you can toggle "Highlight" on to show you exactly where they are in the resume. You can also highlight all of your matched custom keywords at once by checking the "Highlight All" option!

Adding and Removing Keywords

As you're reviewing your list of keywords, you can hover over each one to find three actions you can take with them: (1) Add to Skills, (2) Copy to Clipboard, and (3) Ignore/Delete Keyword.

Add a Keyword to Skills

If you've added or seen keyword that hasn't appeared in your resume and you'd like to list as a skill, you can do so directly from the Job Description tab.

Hover over the word you'd like to add to your Skills section, then select the "+" sign. That keyword should now be listed with your other skills!

Copy a Keyword to Clipboard

From the same Job Description tab, hover over the word you'd like to copy and select the paper symbol. After the keyword has been copied to your clipboard, you can paste it into the area of your resume you'd like to add it to!

Ignoring/Deleting Keywords

If a surfaced keyword doesn't feel totally relevant, or you're not interested in focusing on that element of the job description, you can choose to "ignore" it.

From the Job Description tab, hover over the word you'd like to ignore, and click on the circle-backslash symbol.

Depending on how many keywords you ignore, you may see your Match Score improve. This is because you will be matching from a smaller pool of keywords.

Note: For custom keywords, the "Ignore" option is replaced with "Delete."

Video Tutorial

Start at 1:29 for guidance on adding custom keywords.

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Please reach out to [email protected]!

matching, matching mode, keyword, keywords, match new job, customize job description, job summary, match mode, how to match, add keywords, new keyword, add word
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