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Work Styles Assessment
Emily Woodward avatar
Written by Emily Woodward
Updated over a week ago

Do you know your work style? Discover your career personality with our free working style assessment!

Take our 2-3 minute assessment and unlock tailored career insights about your style of work.

Where to find your Work Styles Quiz

When you click on the Work Styles icon, you'll be brought to the Work Styles Assessment!

You can work through the assessment at your own pace and revisit questions with the "previous" button.

At the end of the assessment you'll be asked about your career growth goals

And then taken to your results!

Your Work Styles Summary

After you've complete the assessment, you'll be taken to your Work Styles result summary -

Here, you'll find lots of resources to help you conceptualize your Work Style. If you'd like to learn even more, check out our course:

360 Summary

You have the option to share a direct link to this survey with your colleagues, friends, and family to have your Work Style assessed by others.

Retake Survey

If you aren't feeling confident about your selections in the assessment or some time has passed since taking the assessment and you'd like to refresh your results, click the "take again" button towards teh top of the page

You can select which results you'd like to view with the "Showing Results From" dropdown

Share Your Results

Want to share your results with your network? Click "Share" for your personal links!

Have feedback or further questions? Something missing here that we can do a better job covering?

Please reach out to [email protected]!

work style, work styles, style of work

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